The Heaven and Hell Chronicles is a collection of short novel/long novella sub-series following the inhabitants of Heaven, Hell, Earth and in-between.
The first trilogy, the DAMNED Trilogy, follows 18 year old Serenity after the devil's son Drake comes calling to take her back to Hell as his wife.
There are currently six more trilogies planned.
It is told from dual point of view (POV).
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Heaven & Hell Chronicles
a Damned short
All Devilbums Go To Heaven
The boys are on a mission.
Trouble ensues.
Truman, Kyle and Ignacio have a message to deliver. A message for God. All the need to do is sneak into Heaven, avoid detection, get the message delivered, and sneak back out again without any of the cherubs or angels being any the wiser.
Easy. Right?
Heaven & Hell Chronicles #4
the Loved trilogy
Loved if I do
Cupid's daughter's in training. Love Training.
Evan Watson has no idea she's special until a Fallen angel called Raze comes to kill her and a Grigori named Cadriel comes to save her. Because being the half-human daughter of Cupid himself comes with perks and dangers she's about to know a lot about.
If Evan wants to live, she has one choice: become a cupid like her father. Figuring it's probably better than death, Evan agrees and thus begins her training in the Hall of Cupids.
Take two brooding fallen angels, a bunch of amourous disasters, and throw in some cheeky cupidinis, and Evan's got her work cut out for her. A whole trilogy's worth of work.
All your favourite characters will return, plus a few new ones.
Heaven & Hell Chronicles #7
the Saved trilogy
Saved if I do
Second chances are rare. But help is here.
Grace has served as a Gatekeeper to Hell for centuries and she's finally being recognised for all her hard work. With gratitude for her role in bringing Wren back to Drake, Hades is giving Grace the chance to earn her freedom.
She has one day on Earth to redeem herself in the eyes of Hades. But things aren't going to be easy. Armed with a cherub and a devilbum of her own, Grace has to decide what she wants out of her afterlife; a second chance on Earth or return to Hell as a free soul.
The Saved trilogy follows Grace as she comes to terms with what it means to be dead, and that love can be found in the most unlikely places.
All your favourite characters will return, plus a few new ones.
Heaven & Hell Chronicles #10
the Raised trilogy
Raised if I do
It's complicated. Four generations complicated.
Shaw's getting into trouble, and Jeff the cherub and Archie the devilbum are no help at all!
the Raised trilogy follows Drake and Wren’s son as he’s prophesied to raise Hell on Earth. But first, he has to work out if he wants to follow in Grandad's footsteps, or Great-Grandad's. There'll be hijinks and shenanigans, magic and battles, and maybe even a little loving on the way.
All your favourite characters will return, plus a few new ones.