Here you'll find the promo material - pictures (.png/.jpg) and videos (.mp4) - for 'the Roommate Mistake'. Some are generic promo (can be shared anytime) and some are time-sensitive (can only be shared at certain times). I'll be constantly adding more as we get closer to release date. Please feel free to use them to spread the news about 'the Roommate Mistake'!
If you've got any questions, pop them in the discussion or email me and I'll get back to you asap.
How to Use:
The time sensitive ones will have their usage date in the file title as well as which announcement it is (i.e. 'AoBU promo 2 months April 8 2021' is the two month til release announcement, to be used on April 8 2021). These images should only be used on their specified date.
Those that include 'PO' in their title are pre-release images. These should be used up to June 7 2021.
Those that have 'AV' in their title are post-release images. These should be used any time from June 8 2021.
Those that have 'PO AV' in their title can be used at absolutely any time.
Designed to all be used as one promo - images 1-4, or full as video: