On the second day of Christmas...
...even my face gets in on the Christmas spirit. (Because I'm flushed...get it?)
24 days of Christmas

Each day of Christmas, I'll be reviewing a Christmas movie and sharing a new Christmas outfit. As predicted yesterday, today's t-shirt (okay, it's a onesie...) was chosen because of the weather - merely two days into Summer and it's barely sunny, still only 15 Celsius with intermittent showers. It's my perfect weather, to be honest, so I'm not complaining.
I'd never thought of cacti being festive before, but who says no to a Christmas onesie? A Scrooge is who.
A very succulent Christmas to you! :P
Here we are, at day two already, and I'm reviewing a movie I spent the whole week after I'd learnt of its existence in pure excitement to watch it.

Noelle - 4.5/5 stars
So, what can I say other than I loved this? Hubby hated it though...so there's that. Maybe it's my undying love for Anna Kendrick, or maybe he was just having a Grinch moment. Either way, I loved it and he told me it was awful (when he woke up, so how would he know?). True, the movie is deliciously predictable, there are less musical numbers making the most of Kendrick's talent than there should be, and it had me hankering for a hot chocolate more than once.
In this one, Kendrick plays the new - somewhat reluctant - Santa's (so weird calling him Santa down this way) sister. After a crisis of faith, Noelle suggests her brother take a few days to relax and get himself geared up for the big day. So, he does. And doesn't come back. What follows is a feel-good, humorous romp as Noelle heads out to find her brother and bring him home before their cousin completely ruins Christmas for everyone.
Joined by a surly elf nanny and a sweet little reindeer, Noelle is exactly the sort of 'princess' we've come to want and expect from Disney as she discovers life outside the North Pole and manages to bring a little Christmas cheer to the people she meets along the way. Kendrick brings her signature effortless comedy to this character and is everything we've come to love about her and the roles she takes on. The only thing I'm still annoyed about is the lack of musical numbers. 16/10 will be watching again.
If you've got a suggestion for a movie, leave it in the comments.
You can check out the trailer below (fingers crossed there isn't any regional bollocks that gets in the way).