On the third day of Christmas...
...I need a rest.
24 days of Christmas

Each day of Christmas, I'll be reviewing a Christmas movie and sharing a new Christmas outfit.
I wanted to come up with something terrifically witty, but it's very little brain time at the moment after working through until 7:30am this morn. But both books are all ready and pretty for their release on Friday, so it was all worth it. I also bought another Christmas t-shirt to celebrate - because I quite clearly don't have enough. There might be six weeks of Christmas t-shirts next year, lol.
For your holiday season, good wishes. (Or ignore my little brain time and just enjoy this cutie -->)
Day three sees me reviewing another new offering to the ever-growing list of Christmas movies, and definitely a new Christmas Classic.

Klaus - 5/5 stars
This one is going to be watched over and over again. Critics have called it a new Christmas classic, and I fully agree. If I don't have half the lines memorised by Christmas day, I'll be in shock. This whole movie was delightful. From the animation, the soundtrack, the characters, and the story, it was captivating.
We're introduced to Jesper (voiced by Jason Schwartzman), a mailman in training who just wants to live his lavish lifestyle. But his father has other thoughts and sends him to the remote town of Smeerensburg with the ultimatum that Jesper either stamps the required number of letters in one year or he's disinherited.
What follows in a sweet tale about how one act of kindness can create a snowball effect of goodwill. Jesper befriends toy maker Klaus as they deliver presents to children. It gives an interesting look at how the legend of Father Christmas evolved, why we do what we do at Christmastime and what it means. I decided not to ruin the magic and check whether there was any basis in fact, nor do I care if there isn't - the whole thing was adorable!
Overall, there's a message of love and kindness and peace, but it doesn't try to shove it down your throat. It's subtle and heartwarming and makes you want to hit play again as soon as it's finished. There is humour for young and old, and I for sure was quite happy to recgonise the voice of John Cusack as the Ferryman - who provided a few laughs of his own.
If you've got a suggestion for a movie, leave it in the comments.
You can check out the trailer below (fingers crossed there isn't any regional bollocks that gets in the way).