Making all the hard choices this year, y'all.
Alas, I've burnt myself out. What was once working for me, no longer does. My life's changed - I have this small human I enjoy hanging...

News, News, News!
Where has the year gone? I had all these grand plans for what I was going to do with the blog so it was much more exciting, and now it's...

3 starts, 1 finish and a sticker.
Hey all, So, things have been chuffing along not too badly - I've been hit with a couple of cases of the dreaded lurgy (did you know,...

![Where's [my] head at?](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/4c2358_407847842ae647ed8511444d5443be58~mv2_d_4724_1772_s_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_319,h_240,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/4c2358_407847842ae647ed8511444d5443be58~mv2_d_4724_1772_s_2.webp)
Where's [my] head at?
Hey all, Long time, no write. Wow, what a month - and so not necessarily in a good way... But, a little in a good way. Writing Progress...

First Official proper update for the new site :D
Well, here we are, the first official proper update for the new site! Are you excited? I'm excited :D Can you tell? Writing Progress...

Welcome to the new site!
Whelp, it may not have escaped your notice that I've moved to the new site *squee* Exciting times indeed. I'm still having some fun...