Wrapped up with a Bow
Here we are, one and all, Keeping Up Appearances is a go. This is not a drill. We're live, we're launched, we're available. Well, I'm...

![Where's [my] head at?](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/4c2358_407847842ae647ed8511444d5443be58~mv2_d_4724_1772_s_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_319,h_240,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/4c2358_407847842ae647ed8511444d5443be58~mv2_d_4724_1772_s_2.webp)
Where's [my] head at?
Hey all, Long time, no write. Wow, what a month - and so not necessarily in a good way... But, a little in a good way. Writing Progress...

Why don't YA characters ever go to class?
You know how you read those 'pet peeve' lists? The ones that list all the typical tropes of YA that readers hate and yet never stop...

Welcome to the new site!
Whelp, it may not have escaped your notice that I've moved to the new site *squee* Exciting times indeed. I'm still having some fun...