Is this thing on?
Hello, world! Roman, here. Large and in charge ;) Okay, so I might have hijacked the blog for today. But in my defense, Barlow didn't...

Roman in T-minus 7 days
Whew, is it really only one week to go until Accidentally Perfect is released? More like, only one more week until Roman is unleashed on...

First Official proper update for the new site :D
Well, here we are, the first official proper update for the new site! Are you excited? I'm excited :D Can you tell? Writing Progress...

'The Maybe Boyfriend' - Christina Benjamin
5 stars. I received a free copy of this ARC via BookSprout in exchange for an honest review. Full disclosure, this was my first Christina...

Why don't YA characters ever go to class?
You know how you read those 'pet peeve' lists? The ones that list all the typical tropes of YA that readers hate and yet never stop...

Welcome to the new site!
Whelp, it may not have escaped your notice that I've moved to the new site *squee* Exciting times indeed. I'm still having some fun...